donderdag 23 april 2015

maandag 20 april 2015


We buy our meat and farm products at a farmers shop. This farmer is at the outskirts of our town and has a shop, lots of cows and he also makes his own cheeses. You can buy a lot of different things in his shop, such as local products and biological products.
This Saturday the farmer let everone know that the cows were going to go outside again after a long winter. So we went there armed with our camera and we weren't the only ones.

 Running out into the meadow for the first time this year

 Happy, running cows

 'I feel like dancing'

 Just feeling happy

 Just a pretty sight

 Never seen cows run and jump like that

A lot of people came to watch the cows, not sure the cows were all too happy about that though but I'm sure they're used to it

© KH

donderdag 16 april 2015

Thursday Challenge; Closeup

Today's Thursday Challenge is about my favourite subject;
"CLOSEUP" (Taken Close up, Macro, Small Things,...)

I love to take Marcro's of insects mostly.
I have lots of those to choose from so here are a few of them;


 Dragonfly on clothespin



© KH

donderdag 9 april 2015

Thursday Challenge; Two

Today the Thursday Challenge is about "TWO" (Twins, Two of Anything,...)

I was just too late when the toads in my garden were together just now (one ran off when I came out with my camera, never knew they could run) so I have to dig into my archive.

 Two lions in Burger's Zoo, Arnhem 
on a hot Spring day some years ago

© KH

donderdag 2 april 2015

Thursday Challenge; Sunshine

The Thursday Challenge today is about "SUNSHINE" (Sunny, Bright, High-Key, Overexposed,...)

Early Autumn morning in October 2012

© KH