donderdag 30 juli 2015

Thursday Challenge; Mood

This Thursday's Challenge is "MOOD" (Things Happy, Sad, Exciting, Boring,...)

 Loch Achtriochtan Glencoe,Scotland 

Glencoe is to me the most beautiful and serene place in the world but you can feel the history and the souls of the clans who died there so many years ago, at least I did;
 massacre of Glencoe

(In Dutch) Glencoe bloedbad

© KH

donderdag 23 juli 2015

Thursday Challenge, Old

Today's Thursday Challenge is about OLD (Vintage, Antique, Rusty, Secondhand, Long ago, Aging, Senior,...)

Fontevraud-l'Abbaye where Richard Lionheart's  tomb is

Richard Lionheart

© KH

donderdag 16 juli 2015

Thursday Challenge; Favourite

The Thursday Challenge this week is; FAVOURITE (Thing, Photo, Person, Pet,...)

 My best friend; Jessie

© KH 

donderdag 9 juli 2015

Thursday Challenge; Sound

This Thursday Challenge it's about; "SOUND" (Noise, Music, Singing, Birds, Insects, Vehicles,...)

A few days ago I was walking in my garden with my camera when I heard a sound, a buzzing. It was this guy;

© KH

maandag 6 juli 2015

Small Dusty Wave Moth on Fern

I've been making a few pictures of my garden lately and these ones of a beautiful moth on my fern I found especially lovely;
A small dusty wave moth or in Dutch Grijze stipspanner

© KH

donderdag 2 juli 2015

Thursday Challenge, Motion

The Thursday Challenge of today is all about; "MOTION" (Things Spinning, Going Fast, Motion Blur, Moving, Running,...)

Taken last year in the Efteling; the dancing water

© KH